The Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ) covers an area of 422,802 hectares (almost 1050 acres), with altitudinal ranges from 500 to 4.800 meters above sea level: a true rainbow of microclimates, habitats, landscapes and biodiversity from the cloud forests of the northwestern slopes of Pichincha Volcano and dry forests of Guayllabamba, to the moorland paramo of La Virgen.
This natural wealth also implies a deep-rooted cultural diversity that can be experienced throughout the 33 rural parishes that make up the Metropolitan District. Parishes that can be reached within an hours drive from downtown Quito, they offer a wealth of tourism opportunities, including nature reserves, rivers, forests, waterfalls, traditional festivities, traditional food, arts and crafts, and more Aquicito: A Guide to the Metropolitan District of Quitos Rural Parishes provides the general public information on these fascinating areas and the variety of activities that can be carried out just outside the city. This project was initiated in 2007 by the Quito Visitors Bureau with the help of the Dutch Service for Development (SNV) Foundation.
This is an invitation to enjoy our citys rural domain: adventure, leisure, nature, culture and sports are on the menu. People from all ages and with the most varied range of interests will find this guide ideal to get to know the essence of suburban and rural Quito. There are so many possibilities and at such short distance, it is hard to believe it all fits in one city: a true cornucopia of opportunities for travelers and locals to explore the depths of our Andean capital, considered by many as the most diverse in the world. ¡We invite you to get to know Quito better and discover the beauty of the outskirts and the warmth and friendly nature of its residents!