Galapagos Family Fun (Blog Winner)

23/Noviembre/2012 | 14:44

Congratulations to Jane Golden of Cuenca for her winning essay/blog about why she wants to visit the Galapagos Islands.  Her essay is featured here today.  We want to thank all of the contestants who submitted an entry.  The success of our contest has encouraged us to engage our audience more as we promote Ecuador every week as a tourism destination.  And regardless of whether we are hosting a contest, we always welcome your comments about our coverage and promotion of Ecuador.  Write to us at [email protected].  We would love to hear from you.

By Jane Golden

Essay Winner

My name is Jane, I’m a US citizen who has lived in Cuenca, Ecuador for the past three years. I’ve not yet travelled to the Galapagos Islands. I love Ecuador, but I miss my family in the US. It is for this reason that I wish to travel to the Galapagos – to be closer to my family.  This may not make sense to you so let me explain.

I know that Darwin thinks we are all descended from the animals in some way, and when I look at the unusual animals of the Galapagos, I can guess why he thought that. For instance, the Galapagos Tortoise reminds me of my mother who my children call “Grandma Sarah”. Grandma Sarah has been on Earth almost as long as some of the tortoises, and she is a softie inside but also has developed a hard shell to protect her from life’s disappointments. Her facial expression, like the tortoise, is one of peace and happiness from a long and fulfilled life.

Then there is the Blue-footed Booby, who reminds me of my daughter-in-law. Emilie is a fashion diva with lots of stylish shoes and clothes, and as the booby makes a fashion statement, so does Emilie!

The Galapagos Sea Lion reminds me of my daughter Sarah, who loves sardines, sunning on the sandy beach. Like the playful sea lion, Sarah is constantly hooting, clapping and having a good time.

Like the Galapagos Penguin, my son Steven thrives in beach environments, loving to swim and play in the surf.

And of course the Sally Lightfoot Crab is my sister Anne personified – a brightly colored scavenger who always finds the best shopping deals! So you see – when I go to the Galapagos, I’ll be surrounded by reminders of my wonderful family!

But my strongest reason for wanting to go to the Galapagos is to introduce my husband Thom to the male frigate bird. When that bird courts, he takes on especially, interesting characteristics to attract his females. I’m thinking that my husband’s observations of this interesting fellow might give him some ideas for successful romance! One can always hope that “birds of a feather flock together!”


Ciudad Galapagos

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